B U L L E T I N Number 85  July 2008 - Year VIII

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  • Have Your Say
  • Collaborator says: "great findings can be traced, but knowledge can cross borders"...

  • Free Nonsense
  • Collaborator confesses: "As a student from FEUP, I never thought it would be so complicated to find a book in the library"...

  • Gallery of the Uncommon
  • Do you need to send a bothering e-mail, but you don’t know how to approach the addressee? We’ll tell you how to do it... Grease him with butter!

  • Biptoon

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G A L E R Y  O F  T H E  U N C O M M O N

Butter and its multiple uses…

Imagem Principal Artigo

Do you need to send a bothering e-mail, but you don’t know how to approach the addressee? We’ll give you a clue: the secret is in the butter.

We are aware of this ingredient’s greasy properties that allow food to slide down tastefully. We now also know from the sample above that even when bothering e-mails are sent, the chances for something positive to happen are higher if we “butter” the addressee.

That was what the organiser of an international conference did after insisting with two collaborators from INESC Porto (you don’t even want to know who they are!) so that they would promptly respond to the e-mail. So, she decided to add the sweet little flavour that is miraculous, so it seems. And she even apologises: “I am sorry to buttering you constantly...” Shouldn’t it be bothering (or even bother, to be more correct)? No, it was really butter.

But for the disgrace of good habits, the Inesquians’ imagination has no limit and ideas started jumping up and down in an extravagant hallucination. Sometimes blunders assume unexpected perverse proportions. You don’t know what we’re talking about? We will give you some clues...


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