B U L L E T I N Number 76  October 2007 - Year VII

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LIAAD participates in KDubiq

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João Gama, researcher from LIAAD - INESC Porto LA (Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Laboratory), participates in KDubiq project - Knowledge Discovery in Ubiquitous Environments. This was the first Coordination Action for the Ubiquitous Extraction of Knowledge.

This action is financed by the European Community in the context of the IST program (Information Society Technology) - FET Open (Future and Emerging Technologies). The project started on December 2005 and it will end on May 2008.

This project's mission consists on identifying new problems and challenges on the intersection between mobile and distributed systems and advanced techniques for knowledge extraction. The project supports activities in order to promote the research that is carried out in every area related to this theme.

KDubiq intends to find new research opportunities in several representations, spatio-temporal distributions, multimodals, problems related to safety and privacy. KDubiq also wants to define strategic lines and stimulate ideas for long-term research; to identify, contact and connect subjects which can contribute to the multiple aspects of ubiquitous Data Mining.

At the same time, KDubiq not only intends to identify and promote new emergent technologies and innovative applications, but also to create a forum for university students, for the industry and for the public sector. This will promote cooperations and research opportunities.

This project is opened to every person and institution who may be interested in this matter. Currently, there are more that 7 companies, universities and research institutions involved in this project as well as more than 400 researchers. For more information on this project go to http://www.kdubiq.org/ .

KDubiq project is divided into six work groups: WH1 - Applications in the areas of mobile Data Mining, sensor networks, invisible technology, mobile wireless networks, etc; WG2 - Ubiquitous Technologies: distributed technologies, grid computation, P2P; WG3 - distributed learning algorithms and limited resources; WG4 - Semantic Web, networks and heterogeneous data, audio and video, ontology, spatio-temporal Data Mining; WG5 - privacy and Data Mining; safety and legal aspects; and WG6 - interface, user profiles, cognitive modelling, visual Data Mining.

This project's next activity will be the 2nd European Summer School on Knowledge for Ubiquitous Computing which will take place at the University of Porto on March 2008.

The idea is to spread the word on the KDubiq project, to promote research on this theme and to train researchers for an future research community.

Go to http://wiki.kdubiq.org/summerschool2008/index.php/Main/Home

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