B u l l e t i n Number 59,February 2006 - Year VI

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Collaborator warns: “The daily trials and tribulations here are not an impediment to these people’s good mood. It’s hard to upset those who are in good company and enjoying what they’re doing…”

Gallery of the Uncommon
Will machines ever be able to do a human translator’s job? …

Free Nonsense
Collaborator speaks his mind: “Is this internal temperature really necessary? Yes, it is actually kind of funny to come from the street early in the morning wearing an overcoat, a jacket, a scarf and all the necessary clothes for winter…and when we enter the building we immediately remove the scarf, the overcoat, etc…So we strip our way to the work position”

How life goes merrily on

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G a l l e r y  o f   t h e   u n c o m m o n

The miracles of translation

Our Gallery of the Uncommon is unstoppable. We believe the Mayor of Entroncamento has manifested his concern for the progressive loss of status of his city. (for foreign readers: Entroncamento is a well known city in Portugal, with a reputation for being a place for strange uncommon phenomena to happen, such as growing potatoes that look like a rabbit and – so people testify – really jump…)

This time, in the organization by INESC Porto of an international event, the participants had to send some documents – among which a letter to apply for financial support that would ease their expenses to attend the conference.

Some of the people who asked for such support did not attach the right documents. The Inesquians are well known for their patience, so our Sónia requested them to send the document, this time, by e-mail, to make things easier.


In response, one of the participants sent a message which we are delighted to present, with no kind of distortion whatsoever:

Caro Sónia,
Aqui você está. Pesaroso para não incluir a letra do começo. Se a sustentação financeira puder ser concedida, eu serei muito feliz ir à Porto.
A mais melhor consideração,

Just in case we might not understand the Portuguese in this (and why would that be?...), the gentle sir decided to send the original version as well:

Dear Sónia,
Here you are. Sorry for not including the letter from the start. If financial support can be granted, I will be very happy to go to Porto.
Best regards,

Of course, we understand: you people who are not acquainted with Portuguese may have doubts why we all here take a smile and more than a smile when reading the first text. To give you however a flavor (largely insufficient), here is the result of a translation back to English:

Expensive Sónia,
You are here. Sorrowful not to include the letter of the beginning. If the financial sustenance is able to be granted, I will be very happy to go to the Port.
The more better consideration,

Blessed machine translation…


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