B U L L E T I N Number 64  July/August/September 2006 - Year VI

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VPN access to the exterior

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For reasons of safety and privacy of the information of INESC Porto’s network (inescp-net), the VPN access to the exterior from the network systems is not allowed, this is, it is not possible to establish connections to other private networks’ VPN servers.

Because of the characteristics of the Institution and its collaborators, there are two exceptions: the VPN connections to FEUP and FCUP.

There are, however, several situations in which the network users want or need to access other networks through VPN. In order to make that possible, a functionality of “VPN access to the exterior” is implemented. The idea is to physically connect the system you intend to use to access the VPN in question, in an isolated INESCP-net network.

In this special network, the system will be able to exclusively establish connections to the VPN server intended.

For further information, please go to https://sci.inescporto.pt -> DOCUMENTOS -> FAQs -> ACESSO EM VPN AO EXTERIOR

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