B u l l e t i n Number 59,February 2006 - Year VI

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N e w s  

Board of INESC Porto with new distribution of responsibilities
Campo Alegre closer to Asprela
INESC Porto in FEUP Open Week
Optoelectronics and Electronics Systems Unit starts project with the European Space Agency
Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit in projects of the Sixth Framework Programme
RTP uses INESC Porto solutions
Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit faces cutting and bundling problems in important scientific activity
The Power Systems Unit signs a contract for wave energy
DIL member presents Masters Thesis at the Faculty of Economy
The Information Management Service offers in requisitions in bits
CIS fights SPAM invasion
New People
Russian Roulette

O p p o r t u n i t i e s 

Jobs For The Boys And Girls
In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and opportunities of the same kind

See Opinion 


J O B S   F O R   T H E   B O Y S   A N D   G I R L S


In this section, the reader may find reference to public announcements made by INESC Porto offering grants, contracts and opportunities of the same kind. However, we advise the reader to periodically visit http://www.inescporto.pt and check the section "WORKING WITH US" in the English version. Announcements are updated virtually every day, there.

Research Staff With PhD_2 [pdf]

Conception, coordination and execution of R&D projects. Coordination of scientific teams...

Research Staff With PhD_1 [pdf]

Conception, coordination and execution of R&D projects. Coordination of scientific teams. Scientific supervision and post-graduate education of human resources. Technology and science management including proposal and negotiation of contracts.

BI-BL/60009/APIS_UESP [pdf]

Research support Informatics infra-structures maintenance, both hardware and software. Web interfaces programming, related to this project research field. Softwazre modules programming for the resolution of nesting problems...

BIC-A/60007/DOMIR_UTM [pdf]

To develop a GSTREAMER based modular system, which may allow to integrate several multimedia objects analysis tools and to upload results (in XML) in a multimedia data base...

BIC-A/60006/DOMIR_UTM [pdf]

Implementing methods and algorithms for retrieving multimedia objects represented in a database together with the associated metadata...

BI-BL/60005/META-SIM_UESP [pdf]

Study of approaches hybridising multiobjective metaheuristics and simulation for stochastic optimisation problems...


BI-BL/60004/Evanescente_UOSE [pdf]

Investigation and development of platforms for refractive index...

Marie Curie Fellowship [pdf]

A post-doc position is available in the field of hybrid sol-gel technology, to develop the synthesis of new materials for the fabrication of novel integrated optic devices...



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